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Managing complex development programmes


Updated: Apr 7, 2024

28th November 2023

Held at UCB, Slough, UK

Is innovation our friend or foe?

In the life science community, we are managing complex programs in an increasingly challenging environment. This was the topic for discussion at PIPMG's recent conference. 

One common theme throughout the event was the increasing importance of the patient's voice. Particularly acknowledging the patient not just by their pathology, but as a person. Relating to this topic especially were two of our speakers:

Dan Swerdlow - How innovation and complex therapeutics are changing the development paradigm

Panteli Thocharous - Complex patient, pathways in rare diseases, the recruitment conundrum

Another key theme during the day was the regulatory complexities in bringing innovative products to healthcare, such as rare disease therapies, and companion diagnostics. This was addressed by:

Alison Gillies - Companion diagnostics, regulatory

Nitin Jain - Delivering companion diagnostics, successfully

Jamie Austin (pictured) Unlocking superpower - regulatory schemes for complex therapies

The two workshop sessions on the day looked at what various modern developments in our world mean for companies and project managers.

Workshop 1: AI, Platform technologies, Parallel Drug device developments.

Workshop 2: Agile project management; Frameworks for decision-making

Making some more interesting presentations about the ways we needed to think about organising our work to meet the challenges this day identified:

Clive Lambden - Waterfall / Agile project management methodologies

Ian Murray (pictured) - Journey towards a unified project management model in UCB



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