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'Let's Talk' is the name of our new, free networking sessions. Around some general relevant topics, you can air the challenges that you encounter in your work and learn from others' experiences. At each session, an expert moderator will facilitate the discussion - perhaps share some great advice - but won't be formally presenting as in a webinar.

We run these sessions jointly with our friends at Phetairos. Check out the themes below - click any one and you will jump to the their site for more information and the booking link. Do join us - see you there!


(Some more opportunities - see below)


Project Success Factors

19th March 2025, 4pm GMT (UK time)


Practical Problem Solving - it's all about perspective


26th March 2025, 4pm GMT

(UK time)


Critical Phase Project Management - Complex Regulatory Submissions

23rd April 2025, 3pm GMT

(UK time)


Building Project Management Capability


8th May 2025, 4pm GMT

(UK time)


Effective Project Management and Leadership - The Elite Athlete Mindset

16th April 2025, 4pm GMT

(UK time)


Mastering CDMO Selection



14th May 2025, 4pm GMT

(UK time)


Leading Across Silos - having the accountability but not the authority!’ 

20th May 2025, 4pm GMT

(UK time)


What is an unknown known - and why is it so important? Critique truisms at start up

Coming soon


Obtaining Strategic Fit for a Study Idea

Coming soon


Why regulatory strategy should be at the heart of company strategy

Coming soon

More detail

More information

If you have some expertise in what might be a relevant discussion topic, we would welcome a chat with you about being a session moderator! See here for more details.


We can run regular drop-in sessions of this kind for project people within your own organisation. We'd be pleased to talk to you about how this could help enhance your capabilities. Get in touch to discuss.

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